What is the Alexa Rank and who cares about it? Most people you ask will not know the answer to this question. However, if you are a webmaster and/or blogger you’re most likely very familiar with the Alexa rank.
The Alexa rank is kind of controversial and not everyone who knows about it thinks that it is an accurate rank for a website. Why? Because the Alexa site determines you traffic by counting the number of Alexa users, or people registered with them, that have visited your site. What this means is that if your targeted traffic is webmasters and blogger you will most likely have a higher Alexa rank than a person who owns an arts and crafts website who’s main targeted traffic are retired and stay-at-home women (no offense ladies, I happen to be a stay-at-home wife myself). So why bother with it anyway? And who really cares about Alexa Rank?
Well, there are at least three major categories of people who care about your page rank number.
1. The advertisers – Most advertiser and ad networks trust the Alexa rank to be a good indicator of your site’s progress and how much traffic they could potentially drive to their site if they advertise with you.
2. PR (Paid Reviews) – This mainly is a concern for bloggers. When someone evaluates your blog for a paid review they also look at your Alexa rank in the same way regular advertisers do.
3. Potential Website Buyers – If you ever plan to sell your website the Alexa rank is very important. It is one of the criteria used to determine the worth of your site. The better your rank, the more expensive your website will be.
So the bottom line is, even if the Alexa rank is not the best indicator of traffic it is still a very important tool for a serious webmaster or blogger.