Knee joint is supposed to be the essential joint and part of the human body, and a person should always keep it safe. An injury to the knee directly or indirectly affects the functioning of the whole body. It is also thought that when a person has to face a knee injury, he cannot do general tasks like walking, sitting on the chair, or any other work which requires the movement of this joint. You would be pleased to know that dr. Amr Hosny has been treating knee problems for more than 20 years and could help you get relief.
When it comes to the injury faced, it is not only a single type. There are many types of damage on the knee joint, and a person, if he has the proper knowledge, can take the help of a doctor and explain his issue better. Take the benefit of the below-written knee injuries to have a brief description in mind.
Meniscus Tear
This injury is caused mostly to the persons involved in athletics and is considered the most happened injury in sports. This could be happened because of the twist made in the joint due to a mistake or forcefully in a sprint. This could cause a lot of pain to the person, and there may also occur swelling and heavy pain while making movement. Such tears faced by a person are also known as torn knee cartilage.
Injury In The Knee Ligament
The joint of the knee is supported by basically four types of ligaments, namely, ACL, MCL, LCL, and PCL. These ligaments provide knee support and stability and also help in the movement. The most common injuries are because of the ACL and MCL due to sports activities, but their treatment could be made very quickly and doesn’t require any surgery.
Patellar Tendonitis
The patellar tendon, which lies near the knee, is sometimes inflamated because of the high stress or injury and causes the damage named Tendonitis. It is commonly known as Jumper’s Knee. This occurs mainly due to excessive jumping movements or the steps, which involve repetitive straightening of the joint. Due to this, the joint stiffens and causes pain to the person.
Runner’s Knee
In this condition, a person has pain in the knee region and also is unable to bend the knee. This is mostly caused by the people who are involved in cycling and other forms of athletics. In the condition of Runner’s Knee, the pain most often occurs in the region around the knee cap and is usually felt while bending the knee.
Knee Bursitis
When a person has inflammation in the fluid-filled sac-like cavity (also called bursae), the cushioning in the knee is disturbed at a high rate and feels a lot of irritation in the region. Knee pain, tenderness in the knee, and swelling in the knee are some of the symptoms of knee bursitis. This type of injury is also caused by Arthritis or some sports activities.