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The Wonderful South African Mastiff

The African Boerboel is an awesome animal. It’s exact origins is unknown but many people believe it is derived from cross breeding of other dogs that Dutch, French and British settlers brought from Europe for defending the homestead of these settlers. The word Boerboel is derived from the word boer, the Afrikaans/Dutch word for farm, translating into farm dog.

They male dog of this species has a noticeable muscular body, stout and strong with an intelligent look in his eyes. Very obedient and always willing to play with it’s master; often times the animals jaws are so strong they will pop any air filled ball they are playing with. Even with the strength of this animal they are very docile and playful, never intentionally harming anyone they are around, unless provoked.


They are known to be gentle with other animals and small children, making them the perfect animal for a families safety and security, as well as playmates for children of anyones family. (Even allowing children to ride them like a horse), I think that is every child’s dream, to ride their dog like the cowboys the may cherish.

I once had a cat and she herself was a rare breed. She would play fetch, sit upon command and even walk like a dog on a leash. I would walk her at a local park here in Denver and one day I was approached by another person that was walking two of these gigantic animals. My cat, at first was a little put off, but quickly realized that these two huge beasts were just as tame as her. For three months, when I would run into these dogs and their master they would play safely with each other for about an hour. I would however have to wash her because of all the slobber she was drenched in. But it was so cool to see these animals, with dramatic size differences, play so well together.

Although these dogs are so well behaved they do need a dominant master. Someone that can assert his or her voice in a manner that the do can respect. You must be the leader of the pack, the alpha dog, in order to brings these dogs into a properly developed mentality. Once you achieve this status and begin it’s training you will see, as it grows into adulthood, this is a very intelligent animal and very loyal.

It’s pelt is usually a sandy color with a square head and a very strong jawline. They can grow to 25-28 inches and weigh as much as 200 lbs. Basic Training Tips for Your Poodle will be available at the online sites.  The following of the tips will be advantageous to the person to have good health of the dogs.

They love exercise and require a lot of space, so apartment life isn’t the best idea for them. They love to play fetch, go on very long walks and are great at keeping a steady pace for joggers. The don’t have the health problems that other large breed dogs have, due to natural selection and can live to twelve years.

They are a beautiful animal and you can see that they truly adore the people that treat them well. They aren’t known to attack without provocation and can be an added pleasure to any family.