Like it or not, aging happens. Coasting will only get you so far in life. Whether you are coasting in your career, relationships or health; there come a time when action is the only way to move forward. An aging brain starts diminishing due to physical changes. There can be brain mass shrinkage, reduction of myelin and less serotonin popping around in your noggin. Stop the drift in your brain by making a few concentrated changes in your routine.
Build a better brain for your future
Move it, baby
Exercise benefits more than your physical body. Getting blood pumping sparks the production of more neurons according to a Columbia University study. Researchers measured blood volume of those who worked out four times a week for four months and discovered this beneficial connection. Dance and martial arts are proven to be the best of the best when it comes to building a better brain. The mental stimulation involved in the precise movements of these activities spark a sharper brain.
Brain food
Step away from the Pop-Tart. If you want to save your neurons, you have to feed them well and hydrate. Choose fresh produce, lean proteins and clean water. The incredible edible egg is a great choice full of B vitamins, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Add some green tea and your brain can be happy and relaxed. Green tea includes lots of good stuff, including theanine which is an amino acid that keeps brain cells from firing too fast and wearing out.
Cross it off, move on
Train yourself to fully commit. Immerse yourself in one task at a time. This tip flies in the face of pop culture; multi-tasking is a badge of honor, but is detrimental to the brain. Take one project, give it your full attention and then move on to the next. Changing from one activity to another is fine, and can even be helpful in engaging different parts of the brain, so long as you can focus fully on the task at hand.
Breathe with attitude
When you are fully immersing in one task after another, be sure to write meditation on the list. Stop, breathe and let your mind relax at least once a day for twenty minutes, fifteen if that’s all you can muster. Ten will even make a dent in the brain drain. What could be simpler than sitting and thinking about nothing but your breath? Plenty apparently. Meditation is one of those deceivingly simple activities that takes practice to accomplish. The benefit, according to researcher Sara Lazar, PhD, is that the frontal cortex grows thicker. This means a stronger attention span over the years. Meditation literally builds a better brain.
Hit snooze
Sleep-deprivation is another backwards badge of honor in society. Being able to function on precious little sleep is not the goal. Functioning is not the same as thriving. If you want to thrive well into your golden years, then take the time to let your brain rest and repair. The coherent thought patterns that emerge after a good nights rest are worth the wait.
Toss the TV
Or at least find the off button on the remote. Zoning out in front of the boob-tube can damage your memory. A study published in Brain and Cognition found that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s increased with every hour a person spends watching TV between the ages of 40 and 59. Read a book, talk to a friend, pursue a hobby anything but the literally mind numbing practice of watching TV for hours a day. Have sex. Proven to simulate more than ten different parts of the brain at once, sex provides a workout for those neurons you want to save. It also builds your relationships, another important factor in anti-aging. People go through hundreds of products every year and never find something that really works. You can even check out Deer Placenta for anti-ageing products and their reviews and prices. You can get the best available prices there as well. You can even read several other tips for your skin-care there.