There are more products on the market for pain relief than almost any other non-lethal malady. Back pain is an epidemic in this country. It is affecting young and old alike. With the dawn of the computer age more back pain is being reported than ever before. Children are playing video and computer games hunched over a keyboard for just as many hours as adults in the business world. Computers are used at work and home for more hours than people now watch television. Lack of exercise and poor posture are just two of the contributors to this growing epidemic. If you are suffering from back pain in Austin TX you can click here, you get the best doctors along with their ratings and reviews. If you are having a persistent back pain you should immediately consult a doctor so that it can be treated before it gets serious.
One major study published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 1994 did sonograms of people with back pain and people who said they were pain free. 40% of those who said they were pain free were found to joint disease and herniated disc. Over time it is safe to assume the pain would begin as joints start weaken and stiffen the pain increases. Herniated discs tend to degenerate faster from inactivity and poor posture. Either of these can cause debilitating pain.
Restoring mobility and strengthening muscles can help to ease the constant nagging pain in necks and backs. Conservative exercise is a non-invasive way to get your pain under control. Here are a few simple range of motion exercises that will help to restore range of motion to stiff necks and the lower lumbar region.
These exercises are basic extension and flexion they are to be done slowly gradually increasing the repetition as the muscles get stronger and the motion increases.
To begin the extensions sit with your feet flat on the floor. In this upright position make sure your shoulders are square over your pelvis and chest is out and back is straight. Begin the forward flexion by allowing gravity to bring your head slowly forward. Let it drift gently downward tucking your chin in toward the chest. Be conscious of your movement but do not force it. Let gravity do all the work. When you begin to feel the pull on your neck and back muscles stop and hold the position for a ten count. Slowly release the position by reversing the direction at a slow and steady pace. The second half of this exercise is the flexion. From the neutral position allow your head to drift back as if you are going to look at the ceiling. Again allow gravity to do the work breath in and out evenly and steady. Breathing is important as it sends oxygen to tired cramped muscles. When you feel any uncomfortable compression or pinching stop and hold the position for a ten count release and roll slowly back to the starting position. A complete circuit should be done 5-7 times.
The next set of flexion and extension exercises is for the lower back. Start in the neutral position making sure you posture is in correct form. These exercises are designed to return range of motion and muscle strength to the lower lumbar region. From the start position keeping your shoulders directly over your pelvis lift your shoulders as high as possible without strain. At the same time extend your stomach so that a forward arch is formed in your lower back. Just a small one will do the trick. If you begin to feel pinching or compressing, ease off until it is comfortable and then hold it for a ten cunt. Release slowly back to the start position. Then start a gentle slumping of your shoulders so that you are rolling forward, downward toward your chest. Not bending at the waist just a slight forward roll allow gravity to assist you, you should end the movement with a slight bow or “C” shaped cure in the spine. Repeat this several times as well.
The very best thing about these exercises is that they can be done while sitting in front of your terminal. No special equipment to use just instant strain and pain relief. There is one more little gem of an exercise that works wonders. Kick of your shoes. Lift your knees so that your feet are a few inches from the floor. Flex and point several times and release lowering your feet back to the floor. Repeat this several times and you will see a remarkable difference in the circulation in your legs. They will feel a lot less tired. These simple movements can help you to have a better day at work.