Body Building Info-Many practitioners of bodybuilding, fitness, figure, and wellness are vegetarian and many well leave out the meat, milk, and eggs also consume virtually anything derived from animals; is there that show that yogurts and cheeses must enter the diet as well as the Whey Protein, combinations of beans, soy, nuts, lentils, and vegetables; not leaving out replacing albumin supplements lack eggs in the diet. In the place of meat, some vegetarians can eat fish but only if they are semi-vegetarians; and supplementing with dairy, such as yogurt and cheese all day.
The born vegetarian should learn to combine different sources of vegetable protein to thereby obtain all the essential amino acids in the body. The use of HGH supplements is extremely recommended for these people.
To build proteins, the body needs all amino acids are available to perform its function of the building and repairing muscle tissue. In total there are 20 amino acids and 9 of these, known as essential amino acids, and are not naturally produced by the body, the intake being necessary.
The biggest problem is to eat vegetarian foods that have complete proteins, ie, those having all essential amino acids found in dairy, eggs, red meat, chicken, fish, and other animal sources. Vegetarians who include dairies in your diet should not worry about that, but pay attention to the fat in them, preferring skimmed milk to the integral, for example.
Plant foods that provide proteins generally do not contain amino acids or only in small quantities and are therefore not very suitable for eating alone when the goal is to gain muscle mass. The popular “soy milk” and its derivatives such as tofu, soy yogurt, cottage soy, and bean curd are indispensable for vegetarian food but need to be fortified with calcium.
To prepare the body to gain muscle mass must be adequate planning meals before and after training and also the caloric value of the diet.
Care should be taken with foods that block the absorption of nutrients.
The vegetarian athlete should have a varied and balanced diet, eat foods proposing indicated by nutritionists and experts in the amounts suggested professional according to the objective in training.
Get proteins in sufficient quantities, which is 1.5 to 2.0 grams per kg of bodyweight on this diet including adequate amounts of dairy products, preferring skimmed and eggs in addition to vegetable proteins.
Include dietary sources of iron, zinc, including with the support of supplements, and increase the absorption of these minerals uniting food source of vitamin C.
Protect from lack of vitamin B12, which is one of the most significant nutrients in vegetarian diets because generally there is a lack of the vitamin that is found only in animal products. Then it supplies it is important in the body and is better for it to find a good vitamin supplement.
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To replace the meat just to combine foods that are sources of protein, iron, and vitamin B12.
Proteins are present in legumes, such as beans, soybeans, lentils, peas and chickpeas, and chestnuts (almonds, walnuts, chestnuts).
The iron present in legumes, dark green in vegetables, dried fruits, and cane syrup.
Vitamin B12 is present in dairy and eggs. If it is a radical vegetarian (do not eat any animal-derived), ingest the vitamin in the form of supplements.
It is always best to consult on various supplements and many options that can be combined to achieve a balanced diet and get to get the best nutrients that are present in the world’s best products.
Types of vegetarian
- The Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian e s the most common vegetarian; do not eat meat but eat eggs and cheese.
- The lacto-vegetarian eats no meat or eggs. Instead, they are free to dairies.
- Vegan is the most radical vegetarian; not eat anything animal or the same milk, eggs, and honey.
More details to consider
A diet containing a variety of grains, legumes, and vegetables provides plenty of protein (the necessary) but not in an (overdosing) as most meat-eaters are exposed to.
Only 1/5 of the common dietary iron is obtained from the flesh; milk derivatives are deficient in iron. The iron-rich vegetables are dark leafy, soy products, legumes, whole grains, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. The use of iron pots and containers also contributes to the necessary intake.
The addition of foods rich in vitamin C to foods, such as fruits and vegetables, increases the absorption of iron.
Good plant sources of calcium include leafy vegetables, dark green vegetables, tofu, soy milk, ground sesame seeds, almonds, figs, and algae. Some mineral waters have enough calcium. Calcium is also found in dairy products but meat and fish are deficient. It is not aware of any clinical case of calcium deficiency in vegetarians who do not eat milk and derivatives is a known fact that the human body can adapt to a low calcium intake, but to train ….
Zinc is readily obtained from various plant foods such as whole grains (bread, pasta, and rice), wheat germ, tofu, miso, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, and seeds, as well as eggs and milk derivatives.
Vitamin D is formed in the presence of direct or indirect sunlight. Our body stores vitamin D during the summer for use in winter. On average, about 10 to 15 minutes of sun on your face and hands for light-skinned people are sufficient. People with dark skin, the elderly, and people in colder regions may need more exposure. Soles protective factor equal or greater than 8 prevents the synthesis of vitamin D. Milk products, margarine, and vitamin supplements contain vitamin D added; which we know helps the bodybuilder in several respects.
Vitamin B12 can be cause for attention in the case of vegans (vegetarians who eat no animal foods). The lack of B12 can lead to serious anemia. The sources include dairy products, eggs, yogurt, cheese, vitamin supplements, and some fortified foods such as nutritional yeast.
All other vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates are found in large quantities in the plant kingdom. It would be virtually impossible to create a plant-based diet that did not have these substances.
If a person was having difficulty adjusting to a vegetarian diet, it may be that the body needs a few months to detoxify; that is why you should try experimenting with a variety of different foods and cooking methods.
If you have any concern about a possible nutritional deficiency, it is always best to have a blood test, but there is much confidence that a varied vegetarian diet there is no lack of nutrients and is a scientific comrade option.
The vegetarian athlete loses weight easily. To maintain energy balance, a good diet plan is necessary, and eats 6 or more meals per day in moderate amounts. If the power does not include milk and dairy products or eggs, it is important to form different combinations of foods, including more whole grains, especially soybeans; and to train not to forget the supplements that are very important in all cases.